How Long Does An Anxiety Disorder Last?

Anxiety disorders and healthy living have a somewhat cyclical relationship. It is well documented that the chronic stress of anxiety disorders can jeopardize health outcomes and thereby present a significant threat to healthy living. Here at Canada Kratom Express, we believe that a healthy lifestyle can help mitigate feelings of anxiety, prevent the recurrence of anxiety symptoms, and complement a long-term plan for managing anxiety disorders.
How Long Can An Anxiety Disorder Last?
By definition, almost all anxiety disorders are chronic and persistent, even for people who adopt a healthy living mindset as a part of their anxiety treatment and long-term management plan. Though relief from symptoms is possible, it is unrealistic to expect to fully and finally eliminate them.
What’s more, the symptoms of anxiety disorders can linger even after therapeutic and/or medicinal treatment, whether patients opt to manage their anxiety with natural supplements or prescription medication. There is no “cure” for any anxiety disorder, and all anxiety disorders have a high rate of recurrence, with many people experiencing anxiety as a lifelong pattern of treatment and relapse.
Consequently, once it develops, anxiety has the potential to continue to impact a person (to some degree) for the rest of their life.
How Long Can Anxiety Disorder Treatment Provide Relief?
Because anxiety disorders can present lifelong challenges to people who experience them, it is important to identify treatment plan options that are not financially burdensome and are safe when used for a long period of time, or are capable of producing long-lasting results that persist after discontinuing treatment.
- When considered alone, cognitive behavioral therapy is both safe to sustain and long-lived in its results. It reduces worry and other symptoms for at least 18 months following cessation of treatment, and only 10% of patients relapse within six months.
- Prescription medications (alone) tend to be relatively unreliable in the long-run. At least one-third of people need re-treatment for anxiety within six months of stopping pharmaceutical treatment, some relapse during treatment, and there is little evidence of continued efficacy past one year of treatment.
- Natural supplements are an increasingly popular third option. Remedies derived from healing plants tend to be safe for most people to use as a long-term treatment and yield moderate results so long as treatment continues.
Consequently, more people are and are considering taking natural supplements — including those derived from healing plants — as part of a holistic, personalized anxiety treatment plan.
How Long Until Anxiety Symptoms Come Back?
Generally speaking, the current body of research supports the idea that the longer a person sticks to their anxiety disorder treatment plan, the lower their risk of relapse is. Current standards for successful treatment recommend maintaining the treatment plan for at least six to twelve months after symptoms resolve.
Yet there is limited empirical proof of the long-term efficacy of any one anxiety management therapy. This is likely because, as researchers note, people’s responses to and success with different treatment plans (including and combining elements like natural supplements and exercise plans, pharmaceutical treatments, and cognitive behavioral therapy) are varied.
That said, new evidence suggests that there is a strong relationship between recovery from an anxiety disorder and a healthy living attitude. More specifically, people who engage in personal goal appraisal, social participation, self-care, and active coping as natural supplements to a formal medical treatment plan tend to recover more (and faster) from anxiety disorders.
It follows, then, that people seeking to minimize the impact their anxiety disorder has throughout their life should work to incorporate a healthy living attitude into their approach to anxiety disorder management.
About Canada Kratom Express
Visit Canada Kratom Express ( for more information on plant-based remedies for various medical ailments including Anxiety, Stress, and Pain.
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